Indy Boyz Monthly Meeting - Indianapolis, IN
Join us at our regular FTM social support meeting. FTMs and SOFFAs welcome. We follow a two topic format, having open discussion for the first hour and then splitting into two groups to discuss two different topics for the second hour.
Topics. The topics we will address at this meeting are:
Trans Conferences Share your experiences of going to trans conferences. Have you enjoyed going to conferences? Would you recommend them to others? Which conferences have you gone to? What new conferences are out there? Resources: FTM North Conference in Kalamazoo, MI on April 29, 2006. Transgender Umbrella in Mesa, AZ on June 3, 2006. Chicago's Be-All Conference in Chicago, IL on June 6, 2006. FTM 2006: Gender Odyssey in Seattle, WA on September 1, 2006. Southern Comfort in Atlanta, GA on September 19, 2006. FORGE Forward 2006 in Milwaukee, WI on March 29, 2007. 6th Annual Philadelphia Trans Health Conference in Philadephia, PA in 2007. |
Indy Pride We'll be discussing getting a booth for Indy Pride. We'll be passing the hat to raise the $80 for the booth fee. |
Meeting Time:
Saturday, Apr 22
3pm - 5pm
Meeting Location:
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
Join us for dinner and further casual conversation after the meeting!
Get Directions.
Indy Boyz is a social support group for FTM/SOFFAs that meets monthly for information sharing and peer support.