Unhung Heroes
"Unhung Heroes" is a trannyboy comedy video written and directed by Ilya Pearlman, with videography and editing by Jessica Lawless, and featuring Stanly Maynard Crass, Prado Gomez, JaCk, Max Wolf Valerio and Desi del Valle.
"Unhung Heroes" is a comic fiction about five FTM (female to male) transgendered guys who, after finding an internet article announcing the first actual penis transplants are about to be performed, imagine a scheme to come up with over a million dollars in surgery money.
Riffing on influences as diverse as ReservoirDogs, Busby Berkeley and Peter Berlin movies, this action-packed comedy starts with their experience of life as a 'guy without a dick,' then follows their rosy fantasies of life 'post-transplant,' and the crazy imaginary lengths they go to for the money.
Trans-Unity 2002
Saturday June 15th, all day
Unhung Heroes shows as part of the entertainment and award show
8pm-12mid The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
1125 N. McCadden Place
Sunday July 14th, 2002, 7:30 pm
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
1125 N. McCadden Place
With "Girl King"
The Peabody Festival, Portland, ME
Sunday June 23rd 5pm with "We Are Transgender"
FRAMELINE San Francisco
On Monday, June 24th at 9pm at the Herbst theater, as part of
the "Thank You,
Kate Bornstein" program
The Kansas City GLBT Film Festival June
Tuesday, June 25 o 7:00pm o