Transformation at the Roots 2002 4th Annual Conference
Saturday, October 26th, 2002 8AM-4:30PM
Nittany Lion Inn, Penn State University Main Campus
The Agenda at a Glance:
8:00-8:45 Registration- Meet and Greet (coffee & breakfast) ? Break Area
8:45-9:15 WELCOME & Introductions to the Day! - Ballroom C
9:15-10:00 Keynote Speaker, Debra Davis! Ballroom C
10:00 - 12:00 Workshop Session I & II
12:00- 2:00 Luncheon-Special Award Presentations -BRM AB (Luncheon Speakers and Awardees- Randy Forester & Jim Huggins)
2:00- 2:30 Election of new steering committee- BRM C
2:30-3:00 Working Group Break-Outs
Ballroom D Civil Rights-Steve Black
Ballroom C Development-Steve Glassman
Ballroom E Education, Outreach, & Advocacy-Deb Sieger
Ballroom C Faith-open
Ballroom C Family-Scott Safier
Ballroom C Health-Doug Shaps
Ballroom E Public Relations and Media- Jennifer Storm
Ballroom D Student Mobilization-Dani Hadley
3:00-3:45 Roundtable-Still have questions regarding Gender Identity? Join Mara Keisling, Debra Davis and Deborah Sieger for an open conversation about diversity in our movement and how we can continue to grow as a community by interfaces between gender, gender identity and feminism.
3:45- 4:00 - Closing Remarks- Ballroom C
Special Events and Programs!
4:00-8:00 ? Special Steering Committee Meeting- Mount Nittany Room
5:00?7:00 ? "In Memory of Rita" with Pizza ? Alumni Lounge
8:00-10:00- The Laramie Project showing by the PSU Theatre Company Tickets $8.50
"The Family Flag Project" will be displayed during the conference in Ballroom AB
================================== Youth Leadership Conference
Sunday, October 27th, 2002
9:00 -9:30 Registration & Breakfast
9:30-12:00 Ballroom AB
9:30-10:00 Introduction Ice Breaker-Interactive ice breaker lead by Jennifer Storm, Managing Director of SPARC
10:00-11:00 How your organization can improve your campus climate.-Interactive session on ways to actively improve upon the work currently being done and ways to brainstorm new ideas, lead by Jennifer Storm
11:00-12:00 Q&A session with Debra Davis on Gender Equality-A session dedicated to asking any question you had ever had in regards to gender and gender identity lead by our Keynote Speaker, Debra Davis!
12:00-1:00 Lunch?Penn State Room
1:00-5:00 Ballroom AB
1:00-2:00 Grassroots organizing on College Campuses-Interactive session regarding the who, what, when and where of grassroots organizing on your college campus lead by Deborah Sieger, PH.D
2:00-3:00 How to be an affective activist?-Interactive session about the effective methods of lobbying your legislators and how to become an elected official, lead by Stephen A. Glassman, A.I.A
3:00-4:00 What is the role of politics in the lives of younger persons?-How to effectively get involved politically at a young age and make a difference lead by Chuck Peck.
4:00-5:00 What is STUMP/SPARC?-An interactive session regarding the role of STUMP/SPARC in the youth community of PA. How do we continue to build a statewide coalition of youth organizations and individuals, lead by Jennifer Storm.