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Today is Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Adult Interdependent Relationships Act comes into Force June 1

[EDMONTON, ALBERTA] - Alberta's legislation to address the legal needs of unmarried, committed relationships becomes law on June 1, 2003.

The Adult Interdependent Relationships Act, formerly Bill 30-2, was first introduced in May 2002 and reintroduced and passed in November 2002. The act amends 68 Alberta laws and sets out the financial and property benefits and responsibilities for people in unmarried relationships involving economic and emotional interdependency. Several provincial regulations have also been amended to reflect the principles of the act.

"The Adult Interdependent Relationships Act is an important piece of legislation that addresses the different ways people associate and create interdependency," said Justice Minister Dave Hancock. "This bill ensures Albertans in committed relationships have equal access to the law and the necessary mechanisms to resolve disputes when such relationships come to an end."

Recognizing that marriage has a traditional, religious and cultural meaning as a relationship between a man and a woman, the act defines "spouse" in all Alberta legislation as a married partner-a husband or a wife. It also introduces the terms "adult interdependent partner" and "adult interdependent relationship" to refer to unmarried, committed relationships.

Albertans interested in how this bill may affect their responsibilities and benefits under provincial law may wish to read an information sheet, Alberta's Adult Interdependent Relationships Act and you, which is available on the Alberta Justice web site at www.gov.ab.ca/just (click on "Publications").

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Attachments: Backgrounder-Highlights of the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act

Justice Web Site: http://www.gov.ab.ca/just/


Dave Hancock - Minister of Justice and Attorney General -

Bart Johnson - Director, Justice Communications -

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