Help Plan the "Intersex Awareness Day" for 2004 and Beyond!
We are forming a consortium to create an annual day of grassroots action to end shame, secrecy and unwanted genital cosmetic surgeries on intersex children, and we want your input! We are hoping to create a "day of action" similar to Take Back the Night, National Coming Out Day, or International Women's Day in that it will focus on grassroots action organized by local activists.The event will be national--perhaps even international--in scope, but will be marked, celebrated, witnessed, and honored in different ways in diverse communities.
The "day" does not belong to any particular group, but it is for all of us who are concerned about the treatment of intersex children and adults in our society. Through the consortium, we will come up with the name, the date, and the mission statement for the event, within which local organizers are encouraged to put on creative activities that will raise awareness of intersex issues.
This is the perfect opportunity for people concerned about intersex issues to get involved! The consortium is open to everyone, and communicates via an electronic mailing list. To join the discussion or read previous comments, visit
This project is endorsed (but not controlled) jointly by Intersex Society of North America, Bodies Like Ours, and Intersex Initiative Portland.
Founded in 1993, Intersex Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to end secrecy, shame and unwanted sexual surgeries for children born with atypical sex anatomy. For more information, please visit on the web.