Database for FTMs to post and view different types of top and bottom surgery pics.
Last Verified: 1/3/2003 8:05:46 PM
FTM Surgery Info (Yahoo Group)
A good source of information, pictures and links pertaining to surgery options for Female-to-Male transgendered persons. Includes information including- but not limited to- metaoidioplasty, phalloplasty, hysterectomy, oophectomy, and chest surgeries including double incision, liposuction, peri-aurioler, and keyhole. Surgeons so far include (in no particular order) Brownstein, Meltzer, Laub, Reardon, Ching, Fischer, Daverio, Liedl, Foerster, Yonsei, Brassard, Menard, Bubak, Cordier, Strathy, Raphael, Davis, Futrell, and Wilson.
Last Verified: 1/3/2003 8:03:03 PM
Phalloplasty (Yahoo Group)
Mailing list for posting pics of FTM surgery and penises, past surgeries ok, metaoidioplasties welcome too. Please no pics of genetic males. It is generally agreed that you will be an FTM to join and post, so please be FTM or SO only.
Last Verified: 1/3/2003 8:03:31 PM
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