52 Things You Can Do for Transgender Equality
#7 Create and publicize a calendar of local events

#7 Create and publicize a calendar of local events and encourage people to
attend them
Ever feel frustrated when you just heard about a great event that happened last weekend? Wonder how newcomers could be better served in finding out about community happenings? Want to show community members, politicians, funders and others all of the things that are going on in your area? Heres a great way to get the word about events in your area:Create a calendar of all the transgender related events happening in your local community. That makes it much easier for people to find all of the events that might interest or help them and builds a sense of unity among the different groups. Having this kind of information readily available makes things more convenient for everyone and provides newcomers with an easy way to get involved and informed.
If you organize a calendar on your webpage or your groups webpage, it also drives traffic to your site from people who might not have visited before. It can raise your groups profile in your local area and help you be seen as an organization that serves the community.
There are a number of software programs available that can help you build a calendar for either print or a webpage. Many of them are easy to use and may already be on your computer (check for calendar templates on your word processing, webpage or publishing software). Contact groups in your area and ask them to send you the dates of their meetings, social events and conferences, along with contact information and a link to their websites. Then put them together to form a community calendar.
To give you some ideas and get you started, here are a couple of examples of community groups that are doing this:
TransgenderMichigan, which has a calendar with many local events from a variety of groups
Transgender Crossroads, a regional calendar of events happening in the Midwest. TGCrossroads is a project of the Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Alliance (INTRAA).
Then encourage people you know to support the events in your community.
For other things you can do for transgender equality, visit the NCTE website at http://www.nctequality.org.