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Today is Sunday, December 31, 2006

SAT, JAN 27, 2007

Indy Boyz Monthly Meeting - Indianapolis, IN

Join us at our regular FTM social support meeting. FTMs and SOFFAs welcome. We follow a two topic format, having open discussion for the first hour and then splitting into two groups to discuss two different topics for the second hour.

Topics. The topics we will address at this meeting are:

Topics for 2007
What do you want to talk about this year? Come with your ideas.

Meeting Time:
Saturday, Jan 27
3pm - 5pm

Meeting Location:
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church

Join us for dinner and further casual conversation after the meeting!

Get Directions.


Indy Boyz is a social support group for FTM/SOFFAs that meets monthly for information sharing and peer support.

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