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Today is Sunday, February 12, 2006

FRI, FEB 3, 2006

REEL GENDER: Transgender Film Series - Indianapolis, IN

Join us for the best in transgender film!

Our next movie: transparent

Pink or blue. Male or Female. Mommy or Daddy. Categories that we all take for granted are blown wide open in transparent, a new documentary film about 19 female-to-male transsexuals living in the United States who have given birth and, in all but a few stories, gone on to raise their biological children.

transparent focuses on its subjects' lives as parents revealing the diverse ways in which each person reconciles this part of their history - giving birth and being biological mothers - now that they identify as male and are perceived by the world, but only sometimes by their children, as men. The first-person stories in transparent explain how changing genders is dealt with and impacts the relationships, if at all, within these families.

This film has a shocking faade - as a story about transsexual parents but viewers will be struck by its universality. The subjects resonate powerfully as normal parents and human beings dealing with issues like single parenthood, teen pregnancy and their children's emotional and physical development.

But through these extraordinary men, the film challenges, like never, before the ways that we relate to one another, particularly within our immediate families, based on gender.

directed by JULES ROSSKAM
2005 USA 61 min

The INTRAA Transgender Film Series REEL GENDER occurs the first Friday of each even month.

Please join us in the Cottage on the campus of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis. There will be light refreshments and an opportunity for discussion afterward.

Admission to the movies is FREE!

REEL GENDER is co-sponsored by Interweave, the LGBT group at UUI.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis
615 West 43rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Friday, February 3
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm


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